Ash Wednesday, March 5 Masses at 11:00am and 6:30pm

Adoration Chapel

Spend some time with The Lord in Prayer

St. John Neumann offers Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in our Eucharistic Chapel. Join our Adorers who spend time before our Lord in His Eucharistic Presence in the Monstrance. This time of prayer, silence, reflection, and spiritual reading offers a break from hectic routines and an occasion for peace and reconnecting to God. All are welcome to visit our Lord during this time.

Rediscover why the Eucharist is so vital to you and to the life and mission of the Catholic Church.  Sign-up and select your hour using the online We Adore Him scheduling system, or contact Adoration Coordinator Debbie Braun for further information or for assistance in signing up for any hour.

"I have decided to read the rescue project during my adoration hour. I’m taking my time. Only reading it when I am there. The past two weeks I have never experienced God speak to me so clearly as he is. It is crazy. I can’t articulate it. I get in my car and sob on the way home. Not because I’m sad but because it’s the only way I can release something from my innermost being. I just want you to know that something is happening in that Chapel and that God loves us in such a deep way that it can’t be put into words or feelings but almost as though it hurts because it’s too powerful to comprehend, understand, and feel."

~ Testimony from a regular Adorer

"Thank you! We love St. John Neumann! Going through this scary situation with my granddaughter, I have been on my knees more than ever and I feel like Jesus is asking me to do Adoration. I’ve been thinking I should and had not signed up. But now I know that this is my calling and I will be glad to schedule an hour weekly. We felt Jesus, Mary, Joseph, all guardian angels and saints through this trying time with our granddaughter and everything is perfect and she is on her way to recovery. I get on my knees every morning and thank God for his blessings, and all the people at St. John Neumann that have helped us through this."

~ Testimony from a regular Adorer

Visit our adoration website

What is Eucharistic Adoration? 

Eucharistic Adoration is spending time with Jesus Christ who is truly present, Body, Blood and Soul in the Holy Eucharist. The consecrated Host is displayed in a holder called a monstrance for adoration.

Who can come to Adoration?

Everyone is welcome to come before Our Lord Jesus Christ during Eucharistic Adoration. Invite family, neighbors and friends to join you. Your joy with the Lord may be what others are looking for.

How long must I stay?

There is no set amount of time that one must stay at Adoration. Please feel welcome to drop-in to say a quick hello to Jesus. Do not underestimate the graces that will come from any visit.

What does it mean to be an Adorer?

Adorers commit to adoring Jesus for an hour or more once a week. This is crucial since Jesus displayed in the monstrance must never be left alone. These Adorers enable us to have Eucharistic Adoration for any and all persons wanting to make a shorter visit to be with Jesus!

How are faithful adorers' hours scheduled and how long is the commitment for?

Each adorer determines which hour is best for him or her, and we never assign hours to anyone. An hour that fits you well will help you keep your commitment. You can sign up any time on our We Adore Him page at

Can I change my hour?

Yes. People move and some people just want or need a different time. It is incredibly easy to manage your We Adore Him account at

What happens if our schedules change or we go on vacation? While you should make every effort to spend your hour with the Lord each week and try to be reliable to others in your hour, we know your schedule will change. Your We Adore Him account at allows you to request a sub. It is your responsibility to ensure that your sub request is answered, so please make sure you request one as soon as you know you will not be available.

What happens if the person scheduled after me does not show up?

If you are willing to stay, you are welcome to stay. If you need to leave, please call the Adoration Coordinator whose number will be listed in the chapel. Be assured, the likelihood of this happening is nearly impossible.

How do I spend my Hour at Adoration? What should I do while I’m there?

Let the Holy Spirit guide you. This is your personal time with Jesus. There are no set prayers. After entering church, genuflect on one knee or two, if you cannot genuflect a simple bow. You may offer a prayer of Adoration to begin your Holy Hour. You may sit or kneel. Spend this time contemplating that you are in the presence of God. Converse with Him. You can read Scripture or spiritual books, journal, pray the rosary or spend time just talking with Jesus. It’s not about what you do, but who you are with.

As Father John Riccardo says, “Just waste some time with Him.” If God was not behind the veil of the Eucharist, what would you do? Christ says we are no longer servants but friends, so simply spend some time with your friend. He loves you and is calling you.