Ash Wednesday, March 5 Masses at 11:00am and 6:30pm

Jail & Re-entry Ministry

To serve the spiritual and religious needs of Catholic inmates in local jails and prisons

Jail Ministry

Through the St. Vincent de Paul Ministries to the Poor, St. John Neumann Parish now offers a Jail Ministry to serve the spiritual and religious needs of Catholic inmates in local jails and prisons, as well as other inmates seeking to know about the Catholic faith and way of life. We provide this service through the jail chaplains and volunteers administering in correctional facilities to inmates who receive Bibles, newsletters, prayer cards and other Catholic religious materials we supply. Volunteers are needed and welcomed. You must pass a background screening.

Re-entry Ministry

The Columbus Diocese Office for Social Concerns, Vincentian Ohio Action Network, St. John Neumann’s St. Vincent de Paul and Delaware Community of Grace are working together to form Reentry programs supporting our local Restored Citizens to transition home. Recidivism rates (the rate at which a former inmates return to prison within three years of being released) have been falling because of the reentry programs around the country. We have been working with local law enforcement, justices, training centers, mental health agencies and prison ministries to gather the resources to form an outreach of hope and guidance.

What exactly is Re-entry?

The Federal Government defines Reentry programs as “designed to assist incarcerated individuals with a successful transition to their community after they are released. Specifically, the Strategy calls for supporting post-incarceration reentry efforts by assisting in job placement, facilitating access to drug-free housing, and providing other supportive services.”

Individuals can help by volunteering within the ministry. There are opportunities to be part of an organized mentorship program, spreading awareness, or supporting various logistical and material needs.  

You will find more information about the ARCH program on the Society of St. Vincent Diocesan Council’s website.

For Reentry Assistance, call the St. Vincent de Paul Confidential Helpline: 740-833-6057

For Emergency Services call: 2-1-1 (Delaware and Morrow County Helpline)

Interested in Joining the Jail & Re-entry Ministry?

Fill out the form below