Sunday Mass Times Saturday 4pm ⎮ Sunday 9am • 11am • 5pm

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Reaches out to those in need of comfort or solace through quilted items.

The St. John Neumann Prayer Shawl Ministry, Hands Uniting God’s Spirit (HUGS), reaches out to those in need of comfort or solace through the loving and prayerful creation of handmade knitted, crocheted, sewn, or quilted items. Each lovingly crafted item is carefully woven with prayers of faith, hope, and love, with the intent of providing the promise of God’s peace in times of need.

Your donation of time, prayer, materials, and handiwork can help us provide those in need with a lasting memento that reminds them that God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. Want to participate but don’t know how to knit, crochet, or sew? Our team will gladly accept your hands and teach you how! Whether your gift is knitting, crocheting, sewing, or quilting, it can be used to bless the life of someone in need. Please consider joining today. All gifts of yarn, cloth, or fiber would be welcomed and appreciated.

To request a prayer shawl or lap blanket as a gift, or to contribute yarn or fabric donations, please contact Rebecca Pritchard at 740-972-8920 or REBPRITCHARD2@GMAIL.COM.