Ash Wednesday, March 5 Masses at 11:00am and 6:30pm

Military Support Group

Lord Jesus, Savior of the World and King of Peace, watch over our sons and daughters

Military Survey

Thank you for your service to our country and/or interest in serving, praying for, and supporting our military. Please help us by completing the following.

Please send pictures to St. John Neumann - Military Board - 9633 E State Route 37, Sunbury, 43074, or put them in the collection basket. Questions can be directed to Jackie at

Family pictures are welcome. Please include the name(s) of those pictured and the branch of military service.  

Lord Jesus, Savior of the World and King of Peace, watch over our sons and daughters in the service of their country. Protect them from the physical and moral dangers of military life. Keep them close to You and help them live the commandments.

Lord Jesus, give them the courage to serve their country with honor and dignity. Be with them when they are in danger; strengthen them when they face hardships. Above all, Lord, grant that when their service is finished, they may return to us sound in body and soul. Amen.

Know someone in need of prayer? Fill out the form below.

Please pray for:

Lt. Col. Erika Boenisch, US Air Force

Major Andrew Bohn, US Air Force

Colen Ray Briggs, US Navy

Tommy Reece Briggs, US Navy

Sgt. Evan Cannell, USMC

Lieutenant Riley Cannon, US Air Force

Corporal Will Carlisle, USMC

Pvt. Wayne Cashdollar, US Army Infantry

Airman 1st Class, Matthew Chadwick, US Air Force

Tech Sgt. Stephen Cochran, Air National Guard

Airman 1st Class, C. Jacob Cole, US Air Force

Lieutenant Commander Kyle Copeland, US Navy

Charles Kropp, Ohio National Guard

Sergeant Joseph J Czerwinski, USMC

Corporal Kyle Disbennett, USMC

Major Jim Fink, Army

Dalton Fracasso, US Navy

Eileen Fracasso, US Navy

PFC Alexander German, USMC

Lieutenant Vincent Giuliani, US Army

SK Kara Goodman, US Coast Guard

PFC AJ Griffin, USMC

SA Jacob Hetterscheidt, US Coast Guard

Major Joseph Jackson, USMC

Maj. Evan W. Kelly, USAF

Tech Sgt. Katelyn Krischak, USAF

LCpl Nathaniel Matto, US Marine Corps

Sgt. Patrick Meissner, US Army Reserve

Seaman Apprentice William Dewy Merdeath, US Navy

RCT Paul Miller, USMC

Airman Kody Novac, US Airforce

Pvt. Ryan O’Dell, US Army

Petty Officer Second Class Charles Pace, US Navy

Airman First Class Gabriel Pierce, USAF

MSgt. Wesley A. Potts, US Air National Guard

Lt. Cmdr. Mary Beth Ray, MD, US Navy

MSgt. Heather Reid, US Air Force

Petty Officer Third Class Tristan Rice, US Navy

Rory L. Ricketts, US Navy

Capt. Samuel Roddy, US Army

Pvt. Andrew T Schirmer, USMC

Captain Galen Schumm, US Air National Guard

Pvt. Adam Shade, USMC

SSG Aaron Slupski, US Air National Guard

Petty Officer 3rd Class JD Smith, US Navy

1st Lt Joshua Somerlot, USMC

Patrick J. Tornes, USMC OSC

Sgt Adam Welch, US Army