Ash Wednesday, March 5 Masses at 11:00am and 6:30pm

Confirmation Program

For all 7th & 8th grade students and those older students who have not yet been confirmed.

Welcome to our Confirmation program! Confirmation is a two-year program at St. John Neumann for students who need to receive the sacrament (regardless of what grade they are in). Our goal for Confirmation is to bring our Confirmandi to a transformative encounter with Jesus Christ.

Starting in the fall of 2024, our first year Confirmation class will begin their two year preparation process beginning September 15, 2024, and will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Spring of 2026.

Students who have completed their first year and are moving into their second year will participate in a Confirmation retreat at Damascus on September 27-29, 2024. Their first class will be on September 15, 2024, and they will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Spring of 2025.

When We Meet

Confirmation students will meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from 3:30-4:45 pm, as we study the Confirmation program. Each session will include Snacks/social time, and faith-based talks, followed by small group discussion.

Attendance will be taken at each Sunday class being held for Confirmation. It is expected that students attend at least 80% of our sessions in order to be prepared for receiving Sacraments.

The cost per family is $225, regardless of the number of children or family members participating, or the age group/program (Family of Faith ages 6-18, Middle School Ministry, Confirmation Program, or High School Youth Ministry). Tuition payments can be made online by clicking the button below and choosing Family of Faith. Retreat fees are separate.

Please complete the registration and permission form below and mail into the the parish office or email to Julie Bando.