Ash Wednesday, March 5 Masses at 11:00am and 6:30pm

Becoming Catholic (OCI)

Learn how to become Catholic. We're happy you're here!

We’re happy to help people become fully initiated, actively worshipping members of our community. OCI is a great way to make this happen!

Many in our Parish – spouses, adult children, relatives – have been away from active worship for one reason or another. Many others have taken part in worship with us, but are not yet fully initiated in the Church – needing Confirmation or even Baptism. Coming together, we can discuss topics about our faith and our Church in a unique environment to provide the formation and tools to make a decision for Christ and the Church. See below for our schedule and join us for an upcoming meeting – we would be pleased to welcome you!

What is OCI?

Catholicism is a way of life and becoming Catholic is a journey in faith. OCI is a method, rooted in history, designed to educate in the Catholic faith and prepare adults to receive the Sacraments of the Church. It seeks, however, to do more than simply give interested persons information. Becoming Catholic involves entering into relationship with a community of God’s people. Our hope is that you will enjoy a deeper relationship with God as you also become acquainted with St. John Neumann parishioners and the Church throughout the world. Your OCI journey will be a unique time for you. You will no doubt notice how your own life experiences and beliefs have brought you to this point as you listen to God’s invitation to explore the Catholic faith. At the same time, members of the parish are praying for you, attending sessions with you, and sharing their own life stories as Catholics.

Who is OCI for?

  • Adults who have never been baptized who might desire to become Catholic.
  • Adults baptized in another Christian tradition who might desire to become Catholic.
  • Those baptized Catholics who have not completed their initiation through the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist.

If you are interested in OCI, here are your next steps:

Please complete the Adult Inquirer form, below, and mail it/drop it off to the Parish Office/email to Paul Stokell. If you are not yet a registered parishioner of St. John Neumann, and would like to register, please complete the Parish Registration form, below, and return it to the Parish Office or email to Paul Stokell.

For children between seven and fourteen years of age who are looking to become Catholic, please contact Paul Stokell.

Want to Become a Sponsor?

Are you a practicing Catholic registered as a parishioner at SJN and interested in taking the OCI walk with someone? If so, we need you as a Sponsor!  Take a moment to fill out the Sponsor Information Form and email to Paul Stokell.